Part 2: Puberty and blossoming into a beautiful butterfly (lol)
When I think about all of the things that happened during this span of my life I'm like OMG how will I ever tell you all about everything???!!? Well, SPOILER ALERT, I'm not.
What I've decided to do is think of the major things that happened throughout 11-20 years old and then tell you about those and then also share some hilarious pictures because honestly who doesn't love reminiscing by looking at photos as you were transitioning through puberty. It'll be a good laugh, I promise.
Digi pets 4 lyfe
Whenever I was 12 or so My mom married my Step-Dad, Terry. I liked him at first because he bought me stuffed animals that were really cool and fancy. But then once he and my mom got married he took out a lot of stuff on me aka slapping me, whipping me, etc. Yayyyyy step parents. But then I told my sister and she called him up and was like BITCH U BETTA DONT. Then he stopped..We got along fine except for one time he found out that I had a pet lizard in my room that I had been hiding for months and I don't think I've ever seen someones face so red. Long story short, he sucked, but this was a major part of my life because it was a lot more stress and shit and then he ended up passing away whenever I was 18. So two father figures gone by the time I was 18. Rude, life, rude.
Someday I want to go back and recreate this image.
I had a lot of phases while going through puberty and growing into a beautiful person. (lol) I was highly influenced by Austin Powers at around age 13, which now that I look back that was probably not a good thing and is probably what helped to influence my sluthood that started at age 15.
Awkwardddd. Talking on my cordless phone that was blue and see through, tie dye, and an inflatable green glow in the dark chair. *2KEWL*
So I was trying to be like a cool "groovy" teenager and stuff, and then I was kinda preppy because I was a cheerleader. Yup, that's right. At a school called Highland High School. Fun Fact: It is also where Beavis and Butthead went to school.
I had a Halloween party in my basement and we all did a dance from She's All That or something. lol.
Serving up Awkward teen Cheerleader vibez
I lost my virginity at age 15. I really want to make a separate blog post about my Sluthood so maybe I'll save this for later. But spoiler alert-- my boyfriend was a guy I met on an internet chat room. LOLOL. I also will talk in this other post about my sexuality and my first sexual experience being with a girlfriend of mine.
Then as I decided HELL NO, I don't wanna be preppy anymore and got closer to being an adult I turned more "goth". And when I say that I mean like very very low key goth-- I dyed my hair almost black as a senior kind of thing. And wore black nailpolish. But being at a high school that was Literally in the middle of a corn field in Missouri - this was a huge deal. I also had to drive or ride the bus 45 minutes to school everyday. Much rural Midwest.
Some high school Art
Early photography. lol
More early photography.
SENIOR PIX BB, with my dog Buddy
After High School I moved to the nearest big city of Quincy, Illinois. I lived with 4 other friends in a huge house for like $500. We had an ENORMOUS above ground pool that was always green. And we partied. A lot. I worked at the mall at both a Claire's and also a movie theater. I met one of my best friends for life there, Jera. One time she picked me up at my house and I got chased down by a cop that gave me a breathalyzer because he knew people were underage drinking inside the house. Another time the cops came and we just turned off all the lights and hid, while the cops shined lights into the window. Lawddddd.
Movie Theater times
So yeah, I did the college thing for a year but didn't really enjoy it. So then I just decided to work for a while and figure it out. Oh and party. I ended up moving away from Quincy to go to Louisiana where my sister, one brother, and my mom was now living. The reason I decided to move? Because I went to take a shower one day and someone had thrown up in the shower and just closed the curtain. lol. No. Thanks.
I upholstered the inside of my car myself. lol
Right after I moved to Louisiana. Got my first ARM TAT. much bb amy
I made friends in Louisiana and then guess what?! I continued to party. As any 18-20 year old should do. I feel like I got all of my good party years in before I was 21, which is hilarious to think about. I went to Bourbon Street a lot. A lot of this time was blurrrrrry AF. I had shitty boyfriends and went to work. My original bb, Gadget passed away and my brother drove all the way to Tennessee to buy Sprocket. They look almost just alike, which is freaky.
Then I turned 21 and things *somewhat* seemed to calm down. Or so I thought. LOL.